Healing Through:


Journaling is a powerful tool to help women with self reflection, emotional release, and finding ways to cope.

It allows each individual the opportunity to express themselves in a safe and reflective way. Having the ability to identify triggers that may be effecting mental health, being able to work through trauma and finding ways to cope provides strength and insight in each person's journey.

Journaling is also a way to celebrate goals, milestones and triumphs along the journey. It provides an opportunity for resiliency and redefining your character a sense of power.

MIP Journal

Healing Through:


Aromatherapy embodies healing through the senses that promotes physical and emotional well-being.

For mothers struggling with mental and emotional stability in motherhood, aromatherapy offers several benefits such as stress reduction, mood enhancement, and encouraging self care.

Incorporating aromatherapy into a mother's daily routine can provide an approach to holistic healing amidst the challenges of motherhood. Each unique and soothing scent can act as a powerful complement to other forms of therapy or self-care practices, ultimately contributing to improved mental and emotional well-being.

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Healing Through:


Through discussion, journaling and tools to aid in healing and mindfulness, there is a beautiful transformation that takes place during when you have a community of support. Women experience a great deal of emotional challenges and numerous adjustments, as we navigate the title of Mom. It is during this time where we experience new depths of becoming vulnerable, to find strength and peace along the journey. Mommy Moments allow for a safe space to freely speak on certain topics, and experiences in motherhood while making space for renewed self. Come and join us as you connect with other women on a journey of resilience, self-discovery and empowerment. 

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A Mom in Power is a Woman Empowered

Arlyana Dalce-Bowie : Women of Impact Award 2023

A Heart of Gratitude-Women of Impact Award 2023

This award is not just a recognition of our efforts; it's a testament to the strength and resilience of the women we serve. It showcases the power of compassion, understanding,...

A Heart of Gratitude-Women of Impact Award 2023

This award is not just a recognition of our efforts; it's a testament to the strength and resilience of the women we serve. It showcases the power of compassion, understanding,...

Strength in Her Story

Strength in Her Story

This is OUR Month: So We are intentionally working on our healing, Celebrating each Milestone and walking in Restoration and Wholeness!

Strength in Her Story

This is OUR Month: So We are intentionally working on our healing, Celebrating each Milestone and walking in Restoration and Wholeness!

The Birth of Someone New

The Birth of Someone New

You see, even as the story was being written the birth of my child was also the death of me.

The Birth of Someone New

You see, even as the story was being written the birth of my child was also the death of me.